Game-A-Thon Event

Gamin' It for Childhood Cancer
Saturday, May 15th
Any Game, Anywhere
Play your favorite game (safely, of course) and fight childhood cancer. Can be any type of sports, board, card, dice, pencil-and-paper, or video game you prefer. All funds raised will support our Treasured Moments program which provides patients and families with the simple things (birthday and end-of-treatment celebrations, mini-wishes, grocery, gasoline, Uber, Amazon, and Target gift cards, Kindle
tablets, etc.) which may be overlooked by many but which mean so much to those on the receiving end.
It's only $20 for each player to register! And you are automatically entered to our Game-A-Thon
Grand Prize is $250 MasterCard gift card with $100 gift certificate to The Big Cheese, 2nd Prize is $200 Best Buy gift card with $50 gift certificate to The Big Cheese; 3rd Prize Family 4-pack of Sofia's Hope masks and socks with a $50 gift certificate to The Big Cheese.
Want more chances to win? Post about our Game-A-Thon on FB and IG using #GaminIt4CC and tag Sofia's Hope. Each tag will earn you additional raffle entries. Person with the most posts will WIN a pair of Airpods!!
Raffle winners will be announced on Sunday, May 16th at noon on social media.

Create Fundraiser at Registration!
Raise $100 and we will automatically refund your registration fee! Fundraising will also earn you the following service hours:

​$25 One (1) service hour
$50 Two (2) service hours
$100 Five (5) service hours
All play must be completed by May 15th.